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Community Development Project Ideas

Community Development Project Ideas

The worst of the pandemic is over, and we are no longer in complete lockdown. Regardless of where you are, it is now safe to plan and host community activities again. However, please ensure that everyone follows your state’s current mandates. Here are some practical...
The Pros and Cons of Gentrification Among Communities

The Pros and Cons of Gentrification Among Communities

Gentrification, or the process of revitalizing aging city neighborhoods, has become a controversial topic in the United States. On the surface, it seems like an excellent idea, but it comes with significant downsides policymakers and the general public need to...
What to Know About Community Advantage Loans

What to Know About Community Advantage Loans

Small Business Administration SBA established an initiative targeted at small businesses through a community Advantage loan program. The Community advantage loan program aims at elevating underserved communities through the provision of traditional loans. Community...