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Volunteering for Kids

Volunteering for Kids

Volunteering is one great way of helping others and fostering a sense of community. Some people do this later in life when they find that they finally have a surplus of time, but it’s a good idea to instill a sense of community stewardship early in children. While...
The Practice of Concentration

The Practice of Concentration

In a time of a consistent train of information, concentration can be incredibly difficult. In the workplace, interruptions occur every 11 minutes. Shockingly, at colleges and universities, some sort of disruption happens every three minutes. Whether notifications,...
Four Qualities of a Great Volunteer

Four Qualities of a Great Volunteer

If you want to be more involved in your community, you might have considered volunteering at organizations working to improve your community. Before you commit to volunteering, you want to make sure that you have the qualities that make you a good fit. Below are four...
Four Books to Read Before Volunteering

Four Books to Read Before Volunteering

For some people, community service is something they feel obligated to do. For others, it’s something that they feel passsionate about doing as a means to change the world. Those who are passionate about volunteering should consider picking up these four books to...
How to Plan a Volunteering Vacation

How to Plan a Volunteering Vacation

During the summer, many people like to take a break from their lives and go on vacation. Whether it’s to the beach, the mountains, or a bustling a city, vacations are a great time to unwind. For those who are passionate about civic engagement, a vacation can also be a...