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Parents who volunteer raise children who love to volunteer as well. Two-thirds of children that volunteer spend time volunteering as an adult. Getting your children involved with their community teaches them a variety of lessons. Here are four essential lessons your child will learn from volunteering.


A sense of responsibility

Getting your children involved with their community helps to teach them a sense of responsibility. It helps your children learn how to be on time for an event and be proud of the work they’re doing. It also teaches your children that they have a direct hand in the health of their community and they have to do their part of maintaining its well-being.


One person can make a difference

Children may have a hard time grasping the idea that one person can make a difference in their community. Volunteering is one way to show them that they can do just that. Through volunteering, children can learn hands-on the impact that they have on others. Great opportunities for children to truly see their impact is by volunteering at a soup kitchen or a park cleanup event. Both of these opportunities allow children to see the people they are helping directly.


The benefit of sacrifice

Learning to sacrifice our time and comfort for others is an important lesson, and the sooner you can impart this on your children, the better. Sharing is a tough concept for children, and giving up something they want to someone less fortunate can be even harder. Have your child go to a toy store and pick out a toy to donate to a toy drive. While they’ll want to keep it for themselves, they’ll learn how it feels to help someone who has less than them. Explain to them how happy this child will be to have a toy all of their own, and how they may not have any of their own toys at home.


Job skills

Participating in community service can help inspire your children in their career path. Spending time volunteering for a specific cause can help them learn what they love doing. If they show an interest in politics, encourage them to volunteer on a local political campaign. Even if they don’t volunteer in an area where they want to work, they’ll still learn skills that will benefit them in the future. Volunteering teaches you how to work in a team, how to be a leader and how to accomplish a goal.