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If you want to be more involved in your community, you might have considered volunteering at organizations working to improve your community. Before you commit to volunteering, you want to make sure that you have the qualities that make you a good fit. Below are four qualities that make a great volunteer, regardless of what kind of organization you’re working with.



The best quality that you can bring to volunteering is high energy. Enthusiasm is contagious, and other volunteers will benefit from your energy. Plus, you may be able to get others involved with your cause by merely talking about how important it is to you. If your friends and family see how much your time volunteering has benefited you, they’ll feel more inclined to join in.



Organizations need many volunteers to perform a variety of tasks. One day you may be doing paperwork and answering phones, and the next you may be coordinating an event. Great volunteers are flexible and willing to jump into any task needed. You should also be flexible with your time. Sometimes, there will be a last minute need for a volunteer because someone else was sick, or they may need someone to come in early in the morning or stay late into the night.


Reliable and committed

If you commit to an organization, honor that commitment. Don’t agree to volunteer one night and then skip out because a better offer came your way. Charities and nonprofit organizations rely on volunteers to operate, and a flaky volunteer is worse than no volunteer at all. When signing up for a volunteer shift, be sure to prioritize that and not make other plans for that time. Add it to your calendar, so you don’t forget that your time is already spoken for.


Team player

To be a volunteer, you need to be able to work well with others and take direction. One person doesn’t have the power to change the world, but a large group of people working together do. You may volunteer with other people who you may not necessarily get along with, but you still have to be willing to work together to achieve your goal. You’ll have to put aside your personal differences and work for the good of the organization. Stay friendly and compassionate with everyone you work with, and you’ll be able to achieve great things together.